Changing out Boat Propellers

Posted by on Dec 9, 2016 in Boat Propellers, Boating | 0 comments

Changing out Boat Propellers

Yeah! the Art of Changing out Boat Propellers….If you own a boat chances are sooner or later you are going to have to replace or get repaired the boat prop you are using. Boat propellers are pretty easy to take off and put on yourself. The prop makers have designed the props so it is simple and there should be no need to hire some to do it for you.

Inboard Propellers can get stuck on the propeller shaft sometimes because in use the prop jams itself on to the shaft from the forward motion it makes. In that case you might need to rent or buy an inboard prop puller to get it off. Some inboard shafts are splined and the boat prop is also splined in the hub to match but most shafts are not splined but are smooth instead with a slot machined in them that matches a slot in the propeller which is then secured on to the shaft with a little square metal piece in the slots called the key way and a nut and maybe a cotter pin is then used to keep the prop on the shaft. Easy to change.

Outboard Propellers and sterndrive propellers have just a few more attaching parts but are still simple to change. There is large spacer called the thrust washer that goes on the prop shaft before the propeller that must be on there. It stops the boat prop from riding into the gearcase from the forward motion of the propeller and also positions the front of the propeller just inside the gearcase so exhaust gases that come out through the case and inside center of the prop do not go out over the propeller blades that would then make the prop lose performance. 

There are two types of hub systems used in the hub of the prop that go on the prop shaft. The first one has been used for many years and it has the splined metal spindle embedded in rubber already installed in the boat propeller that then slides on to the prop shaft. The second style is the hub kit system that comes in a little separate box with the propeller that has all the parts needed, you put in a hard plastic piece in the center of the prop yourself then the spindle goes in the prop from the back into the plastic piece that locks the prop in place on the shaft. Then after that you use various spacers and nuts and nut retainers depending on what brand of engine you have to secure the whole system on the shaft. These kits have about four to six parts in them with instructions how to install. It really is simple and no special tools are needed.

 We have the lowest prices on hundreds of boat propellers and you can order on-line props or by phone at 1-800-573-5533.


Spare Boat Propeller

Posted by on Nov 8, 2016 in Boat Propellers, Boating | 0 comments

Spare Boat Propeller


Shrink Wrapping Your Boat Option

Posted by on Oct 6, 2016 in Boat Propellers, Boating | 0 comments

Shrink Wrapping Your Boat Option

Winter is coming and if you cannot put your boat away inside someplace you are going to have to store it outside and cover it up to keep snow, ice, water and even animals out of it that could cause damage to the interior of your boat. Boat propellers should be removed and put in the boat so they cannot be stolen.

Main cover options are shrinkwrap, canvas covers or plastic type tarps. The last two options are only just adequate to preserve your boat because snow and ice build up could cave in the cover under the weight. You must always go out and remove the snow and ice constantly to keep that from happening. If it’s going to be a long winter that is going to get old.

The only advantage to these two options is the cost is usually much less than a shrinkwrap cover.

 Shrinkwraping your boat even though it is more expensive is the best way to safely store your boat outside during the off season. It’s not really a do it yourself thing even though you can buy all that you need to do it. It is very easy to burn a hole in the wrap if you never done it before. Pay someone to do it for you that has done alot of them. When done right the cover is very tight with no ereas for snow and ice to accumulate in, it just slides right off because the wrap is slippery. The wrap is also air vented with at least two weatherproof vents to let some air inside the boat to keep mildew and mold from forming. 

 A few tips on where outside to keep your boat are along side a building on the shady and less windy side if possible and not under a tree that could have limbs break off and land on your boat possibly damaging your cover and boat.

For the best prices on hundreds of boat props check out our website or call us at 1-800-573-5533  

Jet Drive Boats vs. Sterndrive propeller boats

Posted by on Aug 15, 2016 in Boat Propellers, Boating | 0 comments

Jet Drive Boats vs. Sterndrive propeller boats

Sterndrive pleasure boats using boat propellers for thrust have been around for over fifty years and for most of that time it has been the favorite choice for families to use for fun on the water. Starting in the 1990’s Yamaha and Seadoo decided to use a different method for boat propulsion, the impeller jet drive attached to small light weight high revving and even sometimes supercharged engines. Jet boats have been around for decades prior to the 1990’s but those boats used heavy automotive engines for power that burned much more gas than a comparable sterndrive boat did at the time and they were not as fast as a boat propeller driven was.

Comparing modern day jet boats and sterndrive boats, jet boats have a slight advantage on take off from a dead start and turning can be much tighter. A jet boat draws much less water than a sterndrive boat because it has nothing below the keel of the hull like the lower unit on a sterndrive boat does which can be over two feet below the keel. Damage to sterndrives and to boat props happens all too often by hitting under water objects with a sterndrive, not a problem on jet drive boats. Pulling tubers and water skiers can be bit of a problem for jet boats because the jet boat stern can be pulled from side to side by the resistance of what they are towing because they have no stability rudder they turn by the force of the jet. Maybe not so much with tube pulling but hard pulling slalom skiers can cause some problems. Fuel economy has been in the past and still is better with boat propeller driven boats. As much as 20% to 40% better in most comparisons.

Bottom line is jet boats have better take offs, turn better and can be operated in shallower water with no worries of hitting something under water like the stern drive boat owners have. Sterndrive boats burn less gas and are usually faster than a similar jet boat. There is no clear better drive system between the two, pros and cons for each so choosing which one to use is a personal choice.

Boat props shopping tips

Posted by on Jul 12, 2016 in Buy Boat Propellers | 0 comments

Boat props shopping tips

On our Dan’s Discount Props website you have two options on ordering boat propellers. Once you determine what is the correct choice, which we will go into shorty, you can call us and give the part number you need and the address and name to ship to then pay for it with your credit card. You can call us for expert advise on boat props too. Or you can order online with two options there also. You can use just the credit card option or if you have a paypal account choose the Paypal option.

We sell five major boat propeller brands in both aluminum and stainless steel. Solas propellers, Mercury Quicksilver props, Michigan Wheel propellers, Powertech props and Turning Point propellers. We did sell the Turbo and Stiletto boat props but they are no longer made. Yamaha bought them out a few years ago and decided not to produce them anymore and they have not given any real reason why.

Now, which one is right for you. If the boat prop you are using puts you in the top half of your motors wide open throttle operating RPM range at full speed trimmed up for maximum speed and with just you in the boat driving it, then that should be the right pitch size. Boat propellers act similar to gears in a car. The lower the pitch the stronger the take off but with higher RPM’s at speed and also limited speed. The higher the pitch the slower the take off but lower RPM’s at speed but higher speeds than a lower pitch.

The best way to find the right boat prop for your boat and how you use it is to read our “Find the Right Boat Propeller” and “Propellers 101” articles that will only take a few minutes of your time but you will learn everything you need to know about selecting the best propeller. These articles can be found on our home page at Dan’s Discount Props website.

The Most Powerful Outboard Motor You Can Buy

Posted by on Jun 20, 2016 in Boat Propellers, Boating, Stainless Steel Boat Propellers | 0 comments

The Most Powerful Outboard Motor You Can Buy

The propellers used by the most powerful outboard engine are outboard stainless steel props by Hering Performance Propellers which has been making highest quality boat props for racing boats and high powered pleasure boats for forty years. This new outboard manufacturer called Seven Marine that started up in 2010 and they have the most powerful outboard motor made today boasting a whopping six hundred and twenty seven horsepower. 

Seven Maine’s first outboard is a 6.2 litre V-8  five hundred and fifty seven horsepower engine that is by GM built for the Cadillac CTS-V car. It has an aluminum powerhead and is supercharged like the Cadillac. The newer 627 HP outboard version  is an improved model boosting it up another fifty horsepower. These engines have revolutionized the larger sport boats power options that have been using the three hundred and fifty horsespower models by the other manufacturers for the last few years. They are becoming very popular with thirty six feet and longer center console sport fishing boats. What is the price tag for one of these Sevens if you would like to put two or three of these on the back of your boat? You better be sitting down for this, right around $70,000! For another fifteen grand you can get a whole Cadillac car wrapped around the 6.2 litre GM engine.

 For the lowest prices on hundreds of outboard stainless steel props please check out our website or call us at 1-800-573-5533

Performance Boat Propellers power the Fastest Outboard Engine Boat

Posted by on May 23, 2016 in Boat Propellers, Boating | 0 comments

Performance Boat Propellers power the Fastest Outboard Engine Boat

Mach Performance from the USA , who made great performance boat propellers at the time, holds the world record for having the fastest outboard engine powered boat. The driver of the boat was Bob Wartinger . The two pass average speed was 176.556 miles per hour. Using a 3.5 litre V-8 Evinrude outboard motor mounted on a hydroplane style boat hull made by Karelsen, the record was set on November 30th. 1989 on the Colorado River. The high performance boat propeller used was designed and produced by Mach performance. Instead of using the one piece casting method they were famous for being the only major boat prop maker that welded the blades onto the barrel part or the propeller. They are no longer in business probably because of too many problems with their boat props like blades breaking off from impacts or even sometimes just under normal operation. They did make great performing boat propellers most of the time. The propeller they came up with for the speed record was a solid hub three bladed cleaver style stainless steel boat prop that is common on racing boats but the pitch size used was without a doubt extreme. The V-8 Evinrude was worked on to get the maximum horsepower and they were able to get well over 425 HP out of it. Then they added a Nitrous oxide system to it that put way over 600 Hp. All that power was attached  to a one of a kind overdrive lower unit that was designed and made for only one purpose, to stay together at the highest possible speed.

 It is hard to imagine that this record along with the fastest boat powered by anything record set in 1978 at 317+ MPH are both still standing. There are rumors that attempts to break these records are believed to be real and should take place soon.

For super discounts on all performance boat propellers shop on our site or call us at 1-800-573-5533 for pricing.

Fastest Boats on Water – Will a New Record be Set Soon?

Posted by on May 2, 2016 in Boating, Buy Boat Propellers | 0 comments

Fastest Boats on Water – Will a New Record be Set Soon?

Powered by a jet engine using air thrust like a plane for propulsion instead of a watercraft using shiny new boat props, the fastest water speed record is 317MPH and is held by Ken Warby. Originally from Australia Ken now lives in the USA. It was set in 1978! Thirty six years ago.

It is just not possible to hook up the thousands of pounds of jet thrust to drive shafts and boat props.

The fastest water speed record is 317MPH and is held by Ken Warby originally from Australia who now lives in the USA. It was set in 1978! Thirty six years ago. 

Why has the speed record not been broken in all this time? There have been a few attempts made but with an 85% fatality rate in these attempts, people are not exactly falling all over themselves in trying to beat the record. The reason being is boats at these high speeds can become very unstable with very little effort. They can have the air catch underneath them and become airborne which never ends well at over two or three hundred miles an hour, or they can nose dive into the water, that is like hitting a brick wall because water can be as hard as a solid at over one hundred miles an hour. Another not so good thing. It has come down to needing to build a boat with tremendous power to achieve great speeds but with a hull and structure design that will stick to the water with total unwavering stability. 

Warby and his son David are working on a new boat that will be driven by David and should be ready soon. They claim it will easily go faster than the 317 MPH mark but concede that is an extremely dangerous venture because of the new design. 

Another serious contender for breaking the speed record is Nigel Macknight of The UK. He has been working on a forty foot long boat design and build for over twenty five years and is getting close to a run at the record. There are a few other people and groups that are working on projects to beat the record. An American group is going to try to beat the record with a boat that will be driven by Russ Wicks who holds the new boat props driven craft world record with a speed of 205 MPH. Another Aussie Colin Johns is building a boat. New Zealand’s Tony Millitt will have a run at it in 2016. A Belgian challenger Daniel Dehaemers is testing his boat this year and will try to beat the record also. So it looks like there are at least a half a dozen serious contenders who are getting close to trying for a new record. We will see what happens soon hopefully.

With a new boating season starting up now, if you need new boat props or a spare propeller, please check out our boat propellers offered at huge discounts or call us at 1-800-573-5533 for a recommendation on the new best props for your boat.  

Fastest Boats on the Water – The 60’s, 70’s and 80’s

Posted by on Apr 24, 2016 in Boating, Buy Boat Propellers | 0 comments

Fastest Boats on the Water – The 60’s, 70’s and 80’s

During the 60’s boat propeller technology advanced along with boat hull tech and speed records. In the mid 1960’s an American, Lee Taylor and his boat jet Hustler was getting close to the Campbell record and almost beat it in 1965. Donald Campbell decided in January 1967 to really push his boat the K7 to the absolute limits and beyond if necessary in an attempt to set the water speed record over three hundred MPH. On his first pass he went 297.6 MPH, on his mandatory return pass he let out all stops and was going about 320 MPH when his boat started to become unstable. The nose of the boat lifted up and out of the water and then went completely airborne, did a somersault and nose dived back into the water killing Campbell instantly when the boat exploded on impact. Campbell’s remains were not found until 2001, almost 35 years later.

Lee Taylor finally succeeded in setting a new speed record in June 1967 with a speed of 286.875 MPH with his rebuilt boat Hustler. His record stood for ten years. By this time piston engines using boat propellers technology could not compete with the jet boats for speed.

An Australian, Ken Warby with his Spirit of Australia jet boat that he built in his back yard, in November 1977 barely broke the record with a speed of 288..6 MPH. On October 8th.1978 Warby set a new and still existing top water speed record of 317.6 MPH. This record is by far the longest any water speed record has been held at almost 38 years standing.

There has been a couple of serious attempts to break the record since 1978 but both ended in tragedy. Lee Taylor went for it in 1980 with a new 40 foot long jet boat called Discovery II but was killed when the left float collapsed flipping his boat over at 270 MPH.

In 1989 Craig Arfons, the nephew of world famous land speed record holder Art Arfons, attempted to set a new record but he also lost his life when his jet boat Rain X Challenger somersaulted at over 300 MPH.
Here at Dan’s Discount Propellers we urge everybody driving a boat to use caution and common sense along with following the laws of operating a watercraft. Boating is for fun but it can also be dangerous.
For the lowest prices on hundreds of boat props check out our boat propeller technology website or call us at 1-800-573-5533

Fastest Boats on the Water – The 1950’s

Posted by on Apr 11, 2016 in Boat Propellers, Boating | 0 comments

Fastest Boats on the Water – The 1950’s

After Malcomb Campbell set the record of 141.74 MPH. in 1939 the world was thrown into World War Two until mid 1945 when the war finally ended. After the war Malcomb Campbell experimented with a jet engine that he installed in his old Blue Bird K4 boat that was propelled by the air thrust of the jet engine instead of the use of underwater like the best boat propellers up to now, but was unable to break his 1939 speed record with it. He died in 1948.

On June 26th. 1950 a piston engine powered hydroplane style wood boat using a boat propeller called the Slo-Mo-Shun IV set a new water speed record of 160MPH on Lake Washington close to Seattle. This boat was owned and driven by Stanley Sayres who brought the record back to the America. In 1952 Sayres smashed his own record by going 178.49 MPH.

Malcomb Campbell’s son Donald  became interested in bringing the speed record back to England. Driving his fathers old K4 boat the best he could do was 170 MPH. His boat incurred structural damage at the speed so he gave up on breaking the record with this boat.  

About this time another British land speed driver John Cobb decided to have a run at the water speed record. His new jet powered boat called the Crusader was a strange looking hydroplane reverse designed craft that had the two floats at the rear of the boat instead of the front and the single hull and cockpit placed forward. In 1952 he attempted to break the record on Loch Ness, Scotland. Traveling at over 200MPH. his boat suddenly did a nose dive into the water and was instantly destroyed. Cobb was killed.

After Cobbs death Donald Campbell came out with a new jet powered boat called the K7 that had a traditional hydroplane style design and was made out of metal. In July 1955 he set a new record with a speed of 202.32 MPH. For the next nine years Campbell and his K7 boat broke his own records six times. His last and fastest speed record was 276.33 set in 1964.

Here at Dan’s Discount Propellers all the boat props we sell will make your boat go at least 276 MPH! No, not really but we can save you a bunch of money on the best boat propellers made.